VPN Servers /

List of TorVPN servers and locations

Name Region Country City Services Speed Users
Earth Europe Hungary Budapest OpenVPN PPTP SSH 100,000 KB/s 4
Jupiter America United States Los Angeles OpenVPN PPTP SSH 10,000 KB/s 0
Mercury Oceania Australia Melbourne OpenVPN PPTP SSH 10,000 KB/s 0
Moon Europe Hungary Budapest OpenVPN PPTP SSH 10,000 KB/s 0
Neptune Europe Russia Moscow OpenVPN PPTP SSH 1,000 KB/s 0
Planet9 Europe United Kingdom London OpenVPN PPTP SSH 10,000 KB/s 0
Pluto Europe Sweden Stockholm OpenVPN PPTP SSH 10,000 KB/s 0
Saturn America United States Miami OpenVPN PPTP SSH 10,000 KB/s 0
Uranus Europe United Kingdom London OpenVPN PPTP SSH 10,000 KB/s 0

Which server to choose?

Earth is our favourite and most reliable server, physically hosted by us.
For low latency and high speed, choose the server closest to you.
If you are not satisfied, just try a different server.

What to use? OpenVPN, PPTP or SSH?

Use OpenVPN if you can. It is the most secure and reliable option.
Use PPTP if you don't wish to install software.
SSH Tunnelling is a last resort option.

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